Fritz’s loves families! It’s our heart to serve families well and to provide opportunities for families to adventure together. After all, families that play together stay together!
While it would be amazing to host your family at Fritz’s every week, we know that’s not realistic. But we still want your family to do fun things together even when you’re not at Fritz’s. With a little imagination and creativity, you can turn any activity into a wonderful adventure.
This guide will help you get started with 15 family fun activities everyone can enjoy together.
Are you ready? Let’s go!
# 1: Enjoy a Family Board Game Night
With the explosion of technology, family board game nights are a thing of the past. Let’s bring them back! Schedule a Friday or Saturday night and introduce your kids to some of the classic board games, including Monopoly, Risk, Scrabble, Battleship, and Clue! Your kids will love playing games as you take a stroll down memory lane. And the new memories you create together will be priceless.
# 2: Cook Together
There’s nothing like enjoying a cooking experience with your family. Let your kids pick a recipe they want to try, purchase the ingredients, and get started! And if the kids aren’t sure what they want to make, you can always go with classic chocolate chip cookies or even a homemade pizza. Want to keep it simple? Popcorn will work too!
#3: Go on a Picnic
There’s something unique and special about going on a picnic to a special location like a local park or lake. But be sure you don’t forget anything! We recommend packing your favorite sandwich, potato chips, something to drink, and a tasty dessert treat. If you want to make it a true picnic experience for your family, don’t forget a blanket to sit on and a large picnic basket to pack all of the goodies.
#4 Visit the Local Library
Reading hard-copy books is fast becoming a lost art, but your family needs to make it fashionable again! There are so many positive benefits to ready. Children who read often and widely get better at the skill over time, and reading strengthens their brain connections while building new connections too. Oh, and did we mention reading teaches children about the world around them? The family that reads together gets to escape on a literary adventure within their imaginations!
# 5: Go Camping
Depending on the age of your kids, the first couple of camping experiences may need to be in your backyard. This allows the kids to acclimate to sleeping in the outdoors while still having the comfort and safety of home only a few yards away. Once the kids have mastered the backyard camping experience, you can venture a bit further away from the house. For example, you can ask a friend who owns some wooded property if you can camp there.
# 6: Set Up a Lemonade Stand
No childhood experience is complete without selling lemonade to the neighbors! You and the kids can make important decisions together leading up to the big lemonade sale. What days will you be open? What hours will you be open? How will you promote it? How much will you charge? And what will you do with the money? This is a great entrepreneurial activity for you to do with the kids. They’ll learn so much about starting a business which may stimulate additional business ideas!
# 7: Explore a New Playground or Park
Let’s face it. We all fall into routines and ruts and we need to be challenged to break free. Consider this your challenge! Our guess is that you typically take your kids to the same playground or park over and over again. Why don’t you mix it up and visit a new location? Yes, you may need to travel a bit further, but it will be worth it as you explore new territory with your family.
# 8: Go for a Bike Ride
Whether it’s a bike ride through the neighborhood or on a local trail, biking allows your family to enjoy being outside together while getting in some exercise too. The kids will see new sites and their curious minds will be fully engaged in the magnificent outdoors. This creates awesome discussions that are sometimes difficult to generate by staying in the house.
# 9: Give to Your Neighbors
What can your family create together that can be given to your neighbors? Generosity always returns to you, and the giver is often blessed more than the receiver. Gift ideas include homemade sweet treats, bread, or items for the home like Christmas décor. You can then enjoy gifting your neighbors while teaching the kids about the joy of giving.
# 10: Overcome a Fear
Now this family activity can get interesting, but it may also be the most memorable thing you do together. Start by having everyone write down three or four things they are afraid to do, but don’t tell them how you’re going to use the list. Once everyone submits their list, start planning when you can tackle those fears in a supportive, loving way. If a child is afraid of heights, take them to a place where they can conquer that fear with you beside them every step of the way.
# 11: Have an Arts and Crafts Day
This activity also helps the family tap into their creative sides. Plus, if you select the right art or craft project, you can do it cheaply too. For younger kids, we recommend homemade playdough, glitter counting sticks, egg carton flowers, dyed pasta necklaces, or a paper turtle plate. For teens and tweens, we suggest yarn-wrapped cardboard letters, melted crayon butterflies, or cereal box heart paintings. It really doesn’t matter which project you choose, as long as you engage in the project together as a family.
12: Start a Blog
This activity may be a little outside the box for you, but it offers so many benefits for your family. As with # 6 on this list, you can stimulate entrepreneurial muscles by starting a new venture together. Plus, your kids can think about the topics they want to include in their blog posts, all while developing their writing skills along the way. It will also be fun to look back on your family blog years from now to see what types of things were going on in your lives. The blog will serve as a living scrapbook for you and your family!
13: Visit a Local Farm
This activity is so much fun, and many kids have never been to a farm. You can pick strawberries or other seasonal fruit or vegetables, ride a tractor, and maybe even take a hayride. Some farms even have interactive tours where you can do fun things like milking cows and collecting eggs from the hens.
14: Go on a Photo Walk
Enjoy a local nature trail or forest with a camera in hand. Create a list in advance of your excursion with the pictures you’d like to capture during your walk. The list may include a squirrel or other wildlife, a specific type of flower or tree, and fallen leaves. When you get back home, put the pictures together as a family keepsake.
15: Research Your Family Tree
To know where you’re going, you need to know where you came from, right? It’s so important for your children to know about their roots, who their ancestors are, and what their ancestors’ lives were like many years ago. And our guess is that you’ll learn a few things about your history too.
There you have it… 15 family fun activities everyone can enjoy together!
What’s next? We encourage you to pick just one activity to get started. Your family will love that you’re being proactive in planning activities for them, and the memories you create together will last a lifetime.
Be sure to send us an email letting us know how it went. And we like to see pictures too! You can reach us at
We’ll see you on your next visit to Fritz’s Adventure, where families adventure together!